Your Guide to Under-the-Bed Storage

If you’ve got a small bedroom or simply too many belongings creating a need for more storage space, then you might have to get creative to maximize all of the space you have available. Things like utilizing vertical space can help you fit more in, but there’s another simple solution for tucking more things away tidily in your bedroom. You just have to look under your bed. Under-the-bed storage ideas There are two main options for utilizing under-the-bed storage. The first is to have a regular bed with empty space beneath it, and using that space to store things – sliding items underneath your bed to tidy them away. The other is to buy a bed with storage built in underneath it – drawers that slide out or an ottoman…
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Bathroom Remodeling on a Budget

We recently looked at some savvy ways to remodel your kitchen on a budget. Now what about when it comes to the bathroom? Some of the tips from our previous blog can help you here as well, such as remodeling at a less in-demand time of year, making the most of your contractors to get the best price on materials, and keeping the layout the way it is so you don’t have to move the plumbing for your various fixtures. So, let’s look at some more tips to help you save money on your bathroom remodel while still getting great results. Regrouting If your bathroom tiles are looking a little old and tired, then you could spend money on replacing them entirely. However, simply regrouting your tiles and giving them…
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Kitchen Remodeling on a Budget

A kitchen remodel can leave a big dent in the bank account, but with some proper planning, budgeting, and compromises, you can cut the prices to still get great results on a budget. If you’re remodeling on a budget, read on for some tips to help you save money when remodeling your kitchen. Get advice from designers and contractors You may try to skip steps such as hiring a designer or contractors to help you save some money and do more DIY tasks, however, your contractor will likely be able to find better prices for the materials you need than if you were buying everything yourself. Plus, a designer can give you advice on how to do things more cheaply or which corners to cut without having a negative effect.…
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Storing Items That You Don’t Use Often

No matter how comprehensive and well-organized your home storage solutions are, there are always things that seem to get in the way and take up unnecessary space. I’m talking about seasonal items that only come out of the closet for a short period each year or other items that don’t get much use. If you want to free your everyday storage spaces of these things, here are some tips for the best ways to store them efficiently. Garage The garage often becomes the dumping ground of these kinds of items, left to clutter up the space and never see the light of day. But the garage can be an effective solution for storing seasonal items while still keeping them in good condition. Utilizing vertical space in your garage through hooks…
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Planning a Bathroom Remodel for Older Adults

The older we get, the more common aches and pains become, often just from doing regular day-to-day activity. So, mobility problems are something you may want to plan for when it comes to your senior years, even if you are relatively healthy and active. If you or a loved one are facing mobility problems and don’t want to move to a more accessible house, then you can remodel your home with mobility in mind. The bathroom is one area in particular where slips and falls can be common for seniors due to wet and slippery surfaces, so let’s take a look at some remodeling ideas to consider. And bathroom remodels can last decades, so you could even start thinking about this kind of thing in your 50s or 60s if…
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Organization Mistakes to Avoid

In our past blogs, we’ve provided you with some tips to make your storage as efficiently organized as possible. So, you know what to do, but what about some of the things you definitely shouldn’t do when it comes to storage and organization in your home. Read on for some common storage mistakes that you should avoid. Being too strict with categories It makes it much easier to find what you’re looking for if everything is organized into its own space – a shelf for books, a drawer for arts and craft supplies, a basket for kids’ toys. But people can fall into the trap of setting too strict categories and relying on them too heavily. This can really slow down the organization process and can even make things less…
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A Quick Guide to Upcycling

Have you got an old piece of furniture lying around that’s past its best or simply doesn’t quite spark joy anymore? Instead of just throwing it out, why not consider upcycling? This is also a good idea if you find cheap furniture for sale online or if you take on something a neighbor is planning on throwing out. Read on to find out exactly what upcycling is and how you can do it. What is upcycling? Upcycling involves refurbishing old materials or objects to give them new life; either turning them into something new or simply improving the quality or appearance of an object. You can upcycle something as simple as an old plank of wood or a plastic bottle, to larger pieces such as an old, worn dresser. Upcycling…
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Tips for Sorting Out That Junk Drawer

We all have one. A particular drawer, or maybe even a whole closet, that’s the home of all the random stuff that doesn’t really have a home. Often small items, trinkets, maybe stationery, tangled cables and wires, or occasionally useful things like spare batteries. Whatever’s in yours, it typically turns into a mess, making it difficult to find what you’re looking for when you actually need something, and generally stressing you out every time you open the drawer and see the chaos. Closing the junk drawer and forgetting about how much of a mess it is shouldn’t be your only option. Take control of your junk drawer or closet with our organization tips. Empty the drawer and get sorting First, tip everything out of the drawer, crumbs and all. You…
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Fun Storage Ideas for the Kids’ Room

How often do you have to tell your kids to tidy their toys up after playing with them? Or maybe you’re always the one picking up after everyone and keeping your kids’ rooms at least reasonably tidy. Either way, it helps to have sufficient storage in your kid’s room for all of their toys, clothes, and everything else. And there are lots of ways to make it look fun and appealing, making them more likely to clean up after themselves. Let’s look at some fun ideas for efficient storage in your child’s bedroom. Cubby holes Open storage makes it easy for your child to put their own things away without having to mess around with drawers or other storage containers. Plus, your child may like being able to still see…
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What is the KonMari Organization Method?

At The Kitchen Center, we’re all about designing custom storage solutions that help make organization a little bit easier for you, in every room of the house. So, we also like to provide you with tips and tricks to boost your organization skills and keep your house clutter-free. And one organization expert took the world by storm a few years ago through various books and her Netflix special, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo. So, what is the Marie Kondo method of tidying up and how can it help you? Read on to find out… The KonMari Method The simple principle behind Marie Kondo’s method for tidying, decluttering, and organizing is that everything you own should spark joy in some way. Always keeping this in mind will help to reduce the…
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